Tel Aviv Winter Student-Hosted Event

Tuesday, December 24, 2013 at 8:00 PM until 10:00 PMUTC +02:00

HaMezeg Bar
151 Ibn Gvirol St
Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv

We know how important it is to get a feel for what the MBA experience at a school is really like. And what better way to get the inside scoop on Chicago Booth than from the students themselves?

To help you learn about Chicago Booth from our perspective, we're hosting informal events around the world during our winter break. These casual events will provide you with an opportunity to meet current students like us and get your questions about Booth answered. From classes to student groups to navigating the job search to living in the city of Chicago, we are excited to introduce you to our community, share our Booth enthusiasm and knowledge with you, and let you know exactly why Booth was the best choice for us.

Registration is no longer available.