Happy Hour with Alumni, Current and Prospective Students

Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 7:30 PM until 9:00 PMRussia TZ 2 Standard Time UTC +03:00

Chicago Grill & Bar
8? Strastnoy Boulevard
Moscow, Moscow 125009

Join us for an evening of socializing and networking with Chicago Booth alumni, current and prospective students in Moscow. This event will be hosted by the London Executive MBA Admissions team. In addition to being a nice opportunity to reconnect and get an update on Booth, we also welcome you to bring a guest along who might be interested in learning more about Chicago Booth over drinks in relaxed surroundings. 

Please confirm the name of your guest as well as their email address in the form below.

Thank you once again for helping to build the brand we all share.

Registration is no longer available.